Stupid Mario Brothers Wiki

You all know the inevitable is today: the end of stupid mario brothers as we know it. it's been what, 5 years? Its just unimaginable what its going to be like. If it's really going to be as long as it's been said to be, I can hardly imagine what they could fit into that time slot. Just think, there will never, ever be another episode. nothing to look forward to on modays. No more videos of them goofing around between takes. It's hard to beleive that they went from having 3 minute videos with no real plot, crappy quality, and only a couple locations to 20 minute videos with such a complex plot, amazing acting, and near perfect quality. Only time will tell what happens next at RMA studios. God bless these people for giving us so much of their lives for our entertainment.

EDIT: Ok, I knew that they were going to continue with their shorts, and I did not subscribe just because of SMB, (I'm talking to you, commenters), but we still don't know if they're going to do anything else aside from the ones they already do. Also, I've watched and loved every single video they've ever uploaded, but SMB still is a huge part of the channel. The point of this whole blog was to thank them for the work they do, not for you stupid haters to come and say completely untruthful things.

Mario and Luigi Pre-SMB 03

bye bye :(
